
Coworking Plus

Coworking Plus is the coordinator of the FETRA project, approved by the Danish National Agency Ministry of Education and Science of Denmark. There are an inspiring work environment in central Odense where creative local contractors have the opportunity to develop their ideas. Coworking Plus is a space for creators joining more than 300 SME and generating continuous educational activities, an inspirational yet casual environment, and creative workshops. These is the perfect environment for the development of FETRA, because young entrepreneurs are in permanent contact sharing the needs and goals of our project, so Coworking Plus is a perfect coordinator and promoter. Moreover, the staff involved in FETRA has a solid background in the participation and coordination of international projects and have built a solid relationship with most partners in the consortium, what guarantees a smooth coordination and a successful project


GrowthCoop (Spain) is focused on offering solutions which facilitates integration, equality of opportunities in the area of education, training and access to the labour market. With more than 25 years of experience developing EU projects, regarding with key competences, emotional intelligence, soft skills and emotional education, our partner is focused in training as the engine for personal development, a guarantee for the development of entrepreneurs and the the best way to contribute to a more just and equal opportunities society


 Our British partner is a private English language school, accredited by the British Council, and its prime objective is to give all learners the best opportunity to improve their lives and aim to give them the necessary skills they need in both their personal and professional lives. They are not just a language school, but due to its large experience with international and business students, they also develop the skills and strategies demanded by the new labour context, so they are absolutely aware of the implications of recruitment and selection of staff. By helping students attain a good command of the skills they require, Eurospeak is confident that their learners go on to lead successful and happy lives wherever they choose to live and work


 INDEPCIE has a short but solid transnational experience behind, because their staff has been involved in Erasmus + projects for the last years. INDEPCIE is a Spanish training company specialized in coaching and Emotional Intelligence and its application to different fields, and its staff has a long background working with young people on employability, personal and social development, so they will be a key partner in FETRA

EESTI People for People

We will have the broad international expertise of Eesti People for People (Estonia), with experience in organising training courses for groups of 5-35 people and big seminars and conferences. Eesti People to People has experience in Grundtvig Partnership, Seniors, Workshops, Leonardo da Vinci Partnership, Youth in Action Programme, EuropeAid, EU Aid Volunteers, DAPHNE III, Nordplus, NORDEN, Europe for Citizens and Erasmus+ KA1, KA2 and KA3 projects, so our Estonian partner will contribute to FETRA with its wide network of national and international contacts 


Our Portuguese partner includes a department which is specialized in monitoring & evaluation, design and Innovation of Social Projects, and Education and VET. FETRA is aligned with all the domains of intervention of APLOAD, being the company also a SME dealing with youngsters and with young entrepreneurs. In order to implement this project, the company will necessarily activate all its expertise both in Evaluation & Social Planning (its core social and scientific domain), as well as in its initial and technical domain, Landscape Architecture (corresponding to another department within the company).


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