Soft skills for Human Resources Management in SMEs


Project title

Fellow Travellers: Soft skills for Human Resources Management in SMEs


Project duration

December 2020 – November 2022

Project ID


IO1 - Self-Evaluation in Human Resources soft skills IO2 - Development of the Open Educational Resources in human resources soft skills IO3 - Inspiring Success Stories in soft skills​

Supporting young entrepreneurs in acquiring and developing basic skills and key competences

This project is aimed for young entrepreneurs without training in human resources abilities. The soft skills for managing human resources will help entrepreneurs for the success of the company. One of the most important factors for competitiveness and success in entrepreneurs and SMEs are the importance to know how to manage your staff. 

Human Resources

To help entrepreneurs and SMEs in the implementation and development of human resources on their own companies.


New Tools

To set new tools and methodologies to support start-ups and SMEs in whatever sector in enhancing their productivity, competitiveness and efficiency.

High Increase

To show a high increase of positive work environment, teamwork, talent development, productivity, creativity and innovation.

The Partners 

The project consortium is composed of 6 organisations from 5 different EU countries (DK, ES, PT, UK and EE) in a comprehensive partnership under the coordination of Coworking Plus, consisting of a solid group of training companies with long international experience in the application of soft skills in their programs and a high demand of this kind of formation. GROWTHCOOP (Spain) and Eurospeak (UK). APLOAD (Portugal) will add its wide range of contacts with Portuguese companies, while EESTI People for People will contribute with its long experience in international and national training activities. Finally, INDEPCIE (Spain) is a training company specialized in coaching, EI and soft skills, which will add a plus of expertise to the program.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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